I am an illustrator and designer based out of Miami, Florida. I moved here last August after living in NYC for 6 years. During my time in the city, I worked for the stationery department of a major home accessories manufacturer. I managed a team of designers in the stationery department. There I also worked with art studios to source and license artwork, I designed and produced nested gift box sets seasonally. I currently work remotely for them as a Senior Designer.
While I lived in NY, I led an illustration club that met monthly.
I am Reiki II attuned and completed a 5 month long reiki mentorship program at Maha Rose under Lisa Levine’s direction.
I have a strong spiritual practicing including daily oracle card ritual. Each morning I pull a card for the collective and post the reading to the stories of my Instagram page.
I recently completed illustrating my first tarot deck, titled Midnight City. It’s based off of my journey through New York City and I am very excited for it to debut this summer!